Rescue Aid Trust

Make the best out of this ramadan

Don’t forget those who is in need of your help. Pay your Fidyah, Kaffarah and Sadaqah-Tul Fitr with rescue aid trust.

Pay Your Sadaqah-tul Fitr

Zakat al-fitr, or ‘Fitrana’, is the compulsory charity paid by every Muslim at the end of Ramadan. It is a way to ensure that those less fortunate are also able to celebrate the end of Ramadan.

Pay Your Fidyah

When a fast is missed through necessity, such as being chronically ill, and it cannot be made up after Ramadhan, Fidyah is payable.

The requirement is to provide one person with two meals, for each day that a fast is missed.
It costs £2 per meal, so for a single missed fast the amount payable is £4.

If fasting is not possible for the whole month of Ramadhan, the total is £120.

Pay your Kaffarah

When a fast is deliberately broken without a valid reason, and the person cannot fast at a later time for 60 continuous days, Kaffarah is due.

The requirement is to provide one person with two meals a day, for two months.
It costs £2 per meal, so the total due is £240.

Pay your Zakat

Purify you wealth by paying your Zakat. Use our simple and easy zakat calculator to calculate your zakat

Zakat Caculator

Bank Saving
Use lowest amount held for 1 year

+ Gold & Silver
Monetary value

+ Money owed to you
Deposits, loans you made

+ Resale value of shares, stocks, bonds, etc.


2.5 % of zakat

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