Rescue Aid Trust


A Masjid with the facility for disable people

Masjid Darus Sunnah

“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]

Project Amtoil

Year Long Care for families with disabilities

Project Amtoil
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Rescue aid trust in partnership with, the Mankind Organisation has undertaken a project for the people of Amtoil.

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Breaking The Boundaries

Thank You NHS
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First ever in UK, rescue Aid trust in Association with Channel S fundraise and donated to NHS

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Rescue Aid Trust (RAT) is a non-profit humanitarian organisation based in the UK. Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate under privileged children, women and elderly people who have severe suffering in their lives in the UK & Bangladesh. We want to introduce a sustainable life changing improvement for the rest of their life.

About Us

Find Out more details about us and ways to help us.

Our Work

See our past activity and find out more about Our Mission vision and future plan

Our Partners

We believe in achieving greater goals by working in partnership, Meet our partners.

Our Current Projects

Donate Generously to our ongoing projects

Groundbreaking Initiative during Covid crisis

Love For NHS

In partnership with Channel S we have created history by donating £115971.01. A little appreciation for their hard work during the current pandemic. This is the first time from any community based organisation taking this kind of initiative.

How We Help

We support the most needy and vulnerable people by providing following basic needs.

Numbers Speak

During the last pandemic , one of the most unprecedented times we were able to help thousands of people in Bangladesh under our FEED 20000 campaign.

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Food Pack
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Happy Faces
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